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Back to Blog November 20, 2012

CVUK Interview Tip of the Week #6

A selection of mini tips.

When preparing for an interview there are a few small things that you can do that may not seem so important but in actual fact can be the key to a successful interview. These few tips are less of a specific thing to in an interview and more of a selection of things that should always be conducted before an interview.

1. Punctuality is so unbelievably important and is obvious but lateness still happens. Always leave time than it will take you to get to an interview (interviewers do not care whether or not the train was delayed – you should have taken all precautions to avoid this time of situation).

2. Always carry another copy of your CV with you in-case they have misplaced the one you sent them.

3. Turn off your phone before you go in; there is no need to put it on silent as you won’t be using it at any point during the interview.

4. If you are interviewing for a creative role bring a portfolio with you. It is always a bonus to have work to show when you are talking about it and the more you have the stronger your interview will be.

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