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Back to Blog July 15, 2018

Create a daily routine to find a job in retail

When it comes to job searching, you cannot underestimate the importance of routine.
If your idea of a daily search for a retail job entails having a quick scan over a couple of job boards and social media, or a flick through the job pages of the local newspaper, then your search is likely to remain unfruitful. To put it simply, you need a rethink.

It is important to have a routine

Human beings are naturally wired as creatures of habit and routine. Sometimes you need to break that routine and do things differently, but doing so when you are searching for a retail job is not the time to do it. It’s at times like these – especially if you have been made redundant or a contract has terminated and you are coming from the structure that a regular job gives you – that you need a daily routine more than ever. In fact, creating a job-seeking routine and strategy can be the head start that gets you the dream job you want.

The psychological effect of not having the structure in place that you get from having a daily routine can be really damaging. It can be the difference between feeling productive and motivated and feeling like you are a failure and going nowhere.

It’s all too easy to afford yourself another hour in bed, or another hour of Netflix – but this laid back approach is hardly going to have employers calling you up and banging on your front door to offer you their most exciting retail positions.

Treat a job search as if it was a job itself. This will do wonders in terms of helping you keep a positive attitude (which is half the battle won) and giving you a competitive edge over other jobseekers.

Get into a routine and stick to it

It’s a good idea to treat your job searching day like a normal working day. Get up, get showered, dressed and have breakfast as you would if you were off out to work. This way you are starting as you mean to go on – with a purposeful and positive start.

You will know the way ‘you work’ better than anyone. Everyone has times of the day when they tend to be at their most productive. It’s best to tackle your toughest tasks at these times.

You need to devise a strategy and routine that blends plenty of online research – searching jobs, uploading your CV and writing applications – with actually getting out there and out of the house. Try to organise some time for networking meetings and interviews. It is important to continue to have conversations and have real contact with real people.

Fill your day, but take the advantage of the time you do have because you are not working full-time. Take some extra training and brush up on your skills, or develop new ones. Doing so, not only keeps your CV up to date, it shows prospective employers that you are proactive.

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