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Back to CVInternational January 13, 2017

10 Achievable Goals to Set Yourself in 2017!!

Hope everyone is having a fashion-fabulous blessed start of the year! 🙂

Let’s start of by saying a positive mind leads to a positive life – the same goes with the saying mind over matter and these two sayings are everything!! Positive thinking is the ultimate triumph of mind over matter. In today’s post I want to help you all set 10 achievable goals for the year as it will help you feel GREAT about yourself. Let’s take these steps together for a positive lifestyle!

Let’s all say this together: I will make a change for a positive lifestyle whether big or small because every little counts to the road of self-love and achievement.

Force yourself out of your comfort zone!
Get out of your head!
Get out of your emotions!
Set goals to do something that makes you happy!

Drink Lots of Water
London isn’t the hottest of countries for sure! Most people take water for granted especially because it’s harder for us to get dehydrated outside, but despite this we should always make sure we drink plenty of water to keep us hydrated. We as humans are 70% water and there are many health benefits. Water helps us maintain clear skin, essential for kidney functions, fluid balance, calorie control, muscle fuel, productivity boost, fatigue buster and many more!

Get Outside/ Exercise
I cannot stress enough how much of a mind cure this is! It has been said by Experts at the ‘National Institutes of Health and Harvard Medical School’ that exercise is known to reduce stress, better concentration, less anxiety and increase levels of ‘feel good’ hormones like dopamine. Fresh air is good for you so why not try activities such as walking, jogging, getting that booty squat regime in place at the park or even hiking! These physical benefits will purely improve your mental outlook.

Learn Something New
The lifelong practise of learning new things is what makes our lives worthwhile. Whether that be reading a book/article on a topic that interests you, going to a dance class, watching a YouTube Tutorial, listening to podcasts, talking to someone who can tell you something they’ve experienced when growing, or even learning a language you love! There are endless ways you can learn something – we live in a digital world so take advantage!

Do Something
Whether that be something you’ve had on your bucket list for a long time, clearing clutter from your room, just literally removing one little thing off your to-do list and onto the ‘It’s done’ list, this will give you a sense of relief and remove that extra baggage off your shoulders!

Help Someone
I can guarantee you that whether you’re feeling sad or happy, helping someone who needs it will give you that extra happiness boost! You will feel so much happier within yourself knowing that you’ve helped to make someone else’s life just that little bit easier. When it’s random and unexpected these are the the best times – so go outside you may be that Samaritan someone won’t forget about! Sharing love and care is the most admirable thing you can do for people in life.

Stop Comparing Yourself
The worst thing anyone can do is compare themselves to anyone as this brings out the insecurity within you. Chances are you’re more likely to compare yourself to someone at the very top! Instead be more productive and think about how far you’ve come/accomplished and always remember everyone has their own circumstance and journey, someone else’s journey will never be the same as yours that’s what makes us unique. Imagine us all having to write the same story uhhhh no way – where’s the joy in that?!

Count Your Blessings
We are too blessed to be stressed! Writing down 3 positive things each day will make you feel more blessed, optimistic and less stressed. No matter what challenges we come across it always seems to bring opportunity and growth. By establishing our blessings is a step towards our happiness, so acknowledge your blessings and you will feel blessed!

Save 5-10% of Your Earnings
It’s easy to spend, spend and spend! But it’s best to be financially dependent, however it is inevitable that we love a bit of luxury here and there, but why not try and aim to save a percentage a month to help save for that future house? A car? Get out of debt? To have a good life? Budget yourself for things you need and of course a holiday – we all love an adventure! Although saving is hard it isn’t impossible so save an affordable amount and stay away! It takes a bit of work, but it’s a habit worth getting in to. Thank me later…

Spend Less time on Social Media
There’s no doubt social media is a significant part of our daily lives but a digital detox every now and then does amazing wonders. One core problem with social media is you are often bombarded with others accomplishments and therefore results in increased anxiety and low self-esteem and that does no wanders – The term used for this is ‘Social Media Anxiety Disorder’. We are presented with a distorted version of reality and this makes people crave and falsely present a glamorous lifestyle which leads us to a trap of self. Social media causes your happiness to be dependent on others where people seek validation from others. Take a break from the internet, give yourself more clarity of your real world and this will help you seek happiness of self.

Treat Yourself!
Heard of the saying ‘Work Hard Play Harder’ – yes yes this is very true. Too much of something is never healthy so always balance your life and prioritise some ‘me time’, this is Soo important as you have to be kind to yourself! Take a break and relax from everyday stresses it’s good for your soul. You gain a confidence boost when you take time out to do things that make you feel worth it. Things such as indulging in a massage/spa day, buying that all-time favourite pair of shoes or just taking time to look after your hair, skin and body. These things will bring a positive light into your life and will impact positively on your performance overall. Please smile it’s the best remedy in life and do this when you treat yo’self!

CVUKGroup xxx

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