CVUK sponsors Textile Industry Children's Trust event…
On Tuesday night CVUK were the very proud sponsors of a Textile Industries Children’s Trust (TICT) event, in the beautiful surroundings of Soho House.
TICT in short, are a children’s charity specialising in helping the children of those who work or have worked in the fashion and textile industry, in many different ways. They provide a saftey net for children whose lives have been devestated by the death of a parent, by drug or alcohol problems in the family, by domestic violence or by illness and disability. TICT can also make a huge difference to a child’s life through financial support, funding places at specialist schools for children with special education needs and offering hardship grants to others children in need, to help cover the expensive costs of schooling.
The idea behind the event was to help raise awareness of the some of TICT’s brilliant work and demonstrate exactly how they can help those in need. One of the guest speakers, 18-year-old Jordan, told his story about how TICT has helped him from a very young age, providing him with a great education and steering him in the right direction away from a life of arson and crime.
Among those in attendance were those involved in Human Resources within the textile and retail industries, HR being in the perfect position to recognise when someone within their workplace could be in need of TICT’s help.
We provided some great goodie bags and a well stocked bar for everyone’s enjoyment. Topshop also sponsored the event and ran a raffle with some brilliant prizes including a huge hamper, our Sara managed to bag a £50 voucher!! We were also given the opportunity to get a sneak video preview of Topshop’s new Flagship store, presented (on-screen)by the ever high waisted Simon Cowell, that man is everywhere these days.
A great event all in all, for an important cause, well done to those involved.
For more information about T.I.C.T go to