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Back to Blog November 24, 2014


Your and you’re. GCSE’s or GCSEs. There, their or they’re. When it comes to writing the perfect CV, many of us fail to notice those fatal spelling and grammar mistakes, which not only makes a bad first impression to employers, makes it more likely that you will get a lower response to job applications.

Recent surveys have shown that 72.2% of employers rejected CVs with spelling mistakes and 71.3% said they would think twice about employing someone with a CV containing incorrect spelling and bad grammar, even if the candidate ticked all the other requirements.

CVUK have come up with a few top tips to help you avoid this common problem. It may sound pretty boring – but you’ll be thanking us when you suddenly notice that spelling mistake or misuse of that apostrophe! Employers want someone who can write in correct English after all!

Don’t rely on spellcheckers

Spellchecker does not detect EVERY spelling mistake or grammatical error. So make sure you proofread your CV yourself and even get a friend or relative to give it the once over too – they might spot something you didn’t and something that may make sense to you may not make sense to the person reading it.



Some people feel the need to capitalise every important word in a sentence. Others like to use block capitals and some

Know your apostrophes

The image below says it all for this tip.apostrophe

You and you’re, there, their, they’re, to and too (the list goes on)

Know the difference! The sites below explain this rule well.



Keep the person consistent

It is best to use first person (I, me, my) as opposed to referring to yourself in the third person (he/she).  We advise you to either stick to first person or don’t refer to yourself at all. Whatever you do, don’t flip between them – it will not sound appealing to the reader

First impressions count

When applying for a job, applications are typically written and so your CV is the employer’s first impression of you. Therefore, poor grammar/spelling is not going to make a good impression, think of it as the equivalent  to turning up to an interview late!

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“I have excellent written communication skills”

A phrase that occurs on many CVs. So it would be pretty ironic if you contradicted yourself with bad spelling and grammar, wouldn’t it? You need to show that you have a good attention to detail, that you are hardworking and put pride into your work. Spelling and grammar mistakes may portray you as lazy!

Don’t land yourself in the ‘No’ pile

Think how many applications employers receive for new job vacancies – hundreds, if not, thousands! First thing they will do is separate the ‘NO’, ‘MAYBE’ and ‘YES’ people.  Since spelling and grammar mistakes are the easiest things to spot on a CV, then you are instantly putting yourself in the firing line, maybe even finding yourself being thrown straight to that ‘NO’ pile.

So their u hav it. The importence of speling and grammer. <- doesn’t read well does it! Get checking that CV now!

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