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Back to Blog July 4, 2014

Dress for success

When it comes to landing your job interview, usually the first thing we think of is ‘What do I wear?’ We have come a long way since the conventional business suit days for every job interview. Now it’s all about dressing to reflect the company/brand you are interviewing for…

What you wear to your next job interview might be more important than you think. Why? Because your appearance is the first thing people notice about you and first impressions are usually formed within the first 30 seconds. Your appearance plays a major role in employment and so you want to make the best impression possible so employers can visualise you in the role you are interviewing for!


For example, what one person wears to an interview for the a luxury fashion brand will be different to what another person wears to an interview for a business executive position. For a luxury fashion brand you would want to look smart, chic, elegant yet stylish and on-trend whereas for a business executive interview, it’s all about looking corporate and formal – that’s where the suit and tie would come in!

Therefore, when you are preparing for your next job interview, think carefully about the dress code and how it fits into the brand!

CVUK have put together some interview outfit inspiration on our Polyvore…see an example below! Head over to our page to check them all out http://cvuk.polyvore.com/


However, it is important to remember that even though a company may have a laid back dress code in general, you still want to make a good impression! After all it is always better to be overdressed than underdressed. As long as you thoroughly research the company’s culture and typical dress code within the industry, put yourself together a ‘power outfit’ then you will be good to go. It might even be a good idea to have a few outfits lined up, just in case you get asked for second or even final stage interviews!

Here are a few more our top tips for dressing for success:

1. Grooming is just as important dressing! Make sure hair and nails are clean, neat and well-presented. Avoid too much make-up and don’t overdo it with the perfume either

2. Accessorize: think about the shoes – can you walk in them? should you wear heels or flats? a necklace or earrings? or both? But whatever you do, don’t overload it!

3. Body language: Good posture and a solid handshake is important, Sanders says. Your body language is part of your overall appearance and confidence is key!

And don’t forget, continue dressing for success even when you get the job! We love this quote from Andy Teach:

“Once you get a job, always dress for the position you want, not the one you have. Don’t emulate how your peers dress, dress how management dresses, if that’s what you aspire to.”

What are your tips for dressing for interviews? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @CVUKGroup with the hashtag #cvukblogged

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