Working 9 – 5
While we all wish our jobs would allow us to work from home, perhaps even more so with the weather at the moment, the reality of working from the comfort of our sofas is perhaps not as enjoyable as we would assume.
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Sitting in front of a laptop in pyjamas may sound ideal but staying motivated in an environment that is comfortable but can lack routine is a struggle that needs to be combated.
Functioning with the mind-set that ‘it doesn’t matter when it gets done as long as it does’ can be damaging to your work and your motivation levels, resulting in perhaps a less than satisfactory result. While there is no harm in working from the sofa in a tracksuit that’s never seen the light of day, your subconscious has already programmed your brain into a relaxed state preventing you from being your most productive.
There are simple ways to motivate yourself from home that seem silly but actually do work and there’s no harm in trying them if it could result in better work and a happier boss!
Get dressed in the morning
It may sound simple, and stupid, but when working from home it’s very easy to get stuck in the routine of staying in your PJs or loungewear. Getting into proper clothes will get yourself into the right frame of mind and set you up for day of productive work.
Set up a proper workspace
Use a spare room or study space as you would your desk at work. If you don’t have the room for this then arranging things on a dining table rather than on a coffee table in front of the TV. Working in a homely environment blurs the line between work and leisure and that’s when distractions occur.
Create a routine
Apply a daily work routine to your work from home routine. Although it’s probably not necessary to get up at 6.30 (depending on work levels) it is a good idea to start that day at a usual office time, around 9am, have a coffee and breakfast and get on with the day. Lying in bed thinking about the work that needs to be done is the biggest way to kill motivation. Embrace the day the way you would in the office and give yourself a lunch break at the usual time you would on any other day.
Task break down
Make lists or create an hourly break down of the day’s tasks. Keep in contact with other colleagues (job dependant) to remind yourself you are ‘at work’ and work through the list as you would usually, ticking things off as you go. Keep your emails open to keep yourself in the right frame of mind and check in with them on a regular basis.