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Back to Blog October 29, 2013

CVUK Interview tip #14 The Importance of Referencing

The right reference can catapult you into the good graces of your prospective employer and be the icing on the cake that positions you as the candidate of choice. You may have a solid CV, the perfect interview and an amazing portfolio but what better way to confirm the strength of your background than to provide a solid recommendation to back it up?

Companies will want to see the proof in the pudding and solidify your credibility with a reference. It’s nearly always the final step in the process, so forward planning and preparing a great reference is absolutely crucial.

Our tips for references:

  1. Make sure you spend time sourcing your references, think about a time you exceeded in a role and how that particular job is relevant to the one that you’re applying to
  2. The more recent the reference the better, employers will want to know about your working behaviours yesterday, not 10 years ago
  3. Make sure that you contact them beforehand. Asking for their permission and make them aware of the reasons why you chose them to use as a reference
  4. Ensure you have all of the correct details to make the process as smooth as possible, this includes a full name, email, address, phone, work and mobile number if possible
  5. Have at least 3 references available that you can use at any point, this way you will be able to use the most appropriate person when needed
  6. Do not fear, if you have been in the same role for a long time or are starting out in your career you may not have a long list of possible references. You can still utilise the referencing process by ensuring that you can provide a personal or academic reference, again think about who is appropriate to the position

It will be your performance and ability that gets you there but remember your reference could be the ‘make or break’ factor in your job seeking mission. Make the most of this opportunity to show them what your made of!

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