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Back to Blog February 8, 2013

How To Handle Itchy Feet


“Should I stay or should I go?”

As this song plays over and over in your head (or perhaps as a guilty pleasure, without the guilty, on your iPod) while you drag yourself wearily along the corridors of the underground in the direction of your office, it’s probably time to admit defeat (offering to do the tea round and skipping merrily to the kitchen in order to do so isn’t fooling anybody). It’s time to sit down and answer the question that got the country, talking courtesy of The Clash, circa 1981.

Whether you’ve been in a job for five weeks or five years there will come a point where you will scream (silently) and curse about the perils of a your job. Whether you hold a valid reason for the (again silent) outburst or the thoughts are, in the grand scheme of things totally irrational, there are firm dos and don’ts for handling this situation.

If money is the reason you are considering a change, be careful when approaching the subject of money. An ‘all guns blazing’ attitude will not only anger your boss but will also alert them to your ‘itchy feet’, subsequently labelling you as an unreliable colleague and a potential “I’m going to leave at any minute” kind of person. Voicing your uncertain feelings towards the job may also taint relationships with fellow colleagues, resulting in an uncomfortable atmosphere and (should you chose to stay – money dependant or otherwise) now rather large, luminous question mark hanging over your head.

Ensure that the grass is in fact greener on the other side. Check, double check and check again that your vision hasn’t been blurred by the momentary hatred for your current role. A job with a higher salary and a later start time may seem like everything you’ve ever wanted, but is it the best thing for you? Is there room for some career ladder climbing, or will you find yourself dangling by one hand at the top? Money may seem like the most important thing but if there is no room for growth (in that role, or to take you on to other ones) then an attractive salary can suddenly become rather unattractive.

Consider your options within your current company. It’s all very well declaring your time is up, but give it some serious thought. Would getting up in the morning be made easier if your job title was improved or if your daily tasks proved more of a challenge? Talking through what you’re now looking for in a role may well uncover possibilities you never knew existed.

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