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Back to Blog December 7, 2012

CVUK – How To Impress On Your First Day At A New Job

1. Be Punctual

This one goes without saying but even if you’ve done the travel to work a hundred times (and have got it down to 22 minutes 43 seconds exactly!) leave yourself at least an hour or more to get there. Nobody can control the trains but using the train was delayed as an excuse for lateness really doesn’t sit well, especially on a first day! In regards to the end of the day don’t ever be the first one out of the office (even if it means missing the earlier train) – nothing shows a lack of interest in a new job more than a speedy exit at the end of the day.

2. Take Initiative

No-one expects you to sit at your desk and work continually without asking questions on your first day of work but there’s no reason why you can’t ask to shadow someone on your first day and watch what they do. Take initiative when the phone rings and if you don’t know the answer, take contact details and a message so someone else can call them back. Answering the phone shows confidence and the ability to take initiative.

3. Make the Effort

Being the new person at work is of course daunting and striking up a conversation can be hard when you don’t know anybody but a lot of the time it’s the new person who needs to make the first move. People are often so busy they forget to make conversation (don’t mistake this for rudeness!) striking up conversation in the kitchen is an easy way to get the ball rolling so offer to make a round of tea and coffee and you’ll be well on your way.

4. Compliments

Paying someone a compliment is a great way to break the ice and to let people know that you share the same interests in things. Don’t however spend the entire day commenting on people’s appearances as you come become across as desperate to please and slightly annoying!

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